How to Practice Daily Gratitude

How to Practice Daily Gratitude

As 2015 comes to a close, we wanted to take this time to express our gratitude to you, our SurfBerry community, for joining us this year. Whether it be local or online, we appreciate you joining us this year and look forward to serving you in the years to come! We love expressing our gratitude daily to you and others, so we thought it would be fun to share some interesting facts about gratitude and how to practice daily gratitude. Gratitude can be found anywhere and everywhere. Opening yourself up to seeing all of the amazing and wonderful things in your life creates more space, more love, and more freedom within your soul.

“Gratitude makes life freer, lighter and easier. It empowers us to take control over our emotional lives, and not be at the whim of others or circumstances.” – Robert Emmons

Emmons is the author of Gratitude Works and has been studying the effects of gratitude on the human body and behavior at UC Davis for over 15 years.

His studies have shown that the more gratitude you express in your life, the happier you are. A regular gratitude practice has been shown to reduce mild depression, increase your optimism and general wellbeing, and improve your sleep and immune system.

The best part – cultivating more gratitude into your daily life is really simple!  Gratitude can be found anywhere and everywhere. Opening yourself up to seeing all of the amazing and wonderful things in your life creates more space, more love, and more freedom within your soul.

How to Practice Daily Gratitude: 3 Simple ways that you can cultivate more gratitude into your daily life

1. Start a daily gratitude journal where you write down what you are grateful for before you go to bed each night.

2. Write gratitude letter(s) to a loved one(s). I’m planning on doing this during the holiday season. Writing a letter to a loved one each day letting them know that I’m grateful for them and why I’m grateful for them. No better gift than a gift from the heart! How to Practice Daily Gratitude

3. As you go about your day and you see or experience something you are grateful for – whether it be tea with a friend, a beautiful sunset, or someone holding the door open for you at the store – take a minute and be grateful for that experience. Let it in. Be present.

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.” – Melody Beattie

Thank you so much for joining us here at SurfBerry in 2015 – we are so grateful to have you in both our local and online communities. You allow us to do what we love everyday – help people get healthier and happier.

Wishing you the good health and lots of happiness this holiday season!

The staff at SurfBerry

PS – We’d love to hear from you! Where can you find gratitude in your life? What are you grateful for? Leave your response in the comments below!
